Are You a Future Foster Parent? Be the One to Change Her Life
Children in Arizona need parents like you.
Learn what it means to be a foster parent, mentor, or safe family
and start your journey toward changing a life today!
Foster Care
A Journey of Healing and Compassion for Children.
Children are placed in foster care because their home is unsafe for them—and right now, there are over 14,000 of these boys and girls in Arizona. With numbers so large, it’s easy to forget that each one of them is uniquely made in God’s image, with their own dreams.
Christian Family Care’s Mentoring Program is designed to build relationships and support for struggling youth and young adults.
The mentor is matched with a youth or young adult and builds a relationship with them, helping them to develop essential life skills, engaging them in social activities, maintaining regular contact, and more.
STRONG Families for Children
For some parents, problems such as drug addiction, domestic abuse, incarceration, or illness can be debilitating, making it impossible for parents to care for their children.
STRONG Families for Children is a prevention program that offers a secure and temporary home to thousands of children, minimizing the risk for abuse or neglect, and giving parents the time and tools they need to help their families thrive.
Christian Family Care is the leading provider of services that strengthen families and serves at-risk children.