James is respectful, easygoing, and kind. James is respectful, easygoing, and kind. He enjoys enriching activities such as playing the violin, listening to music, cooking, attending school, and engaging in conversation. He loves food and is adventurous enough to try all sorts of cuisine. James loves music. His favorite genre is R&B and his favorite artist is SZA. James loves movies and enjoys going to the theater or just staying and watching one at home. He also values relaxing while playing video games.

James enjoys school and loves his electives. He enjoys learning and getting to spend time hanging out with friends. He is very thoughtful, self-aware, and not afraid to speak his mind. James is very motivated to build a career in welding. He plans to complete the welding program at his school and then follow his dream into adulthood.

James’ ideal family setting is a two-parent home and preferably an only child. James is looking for an encouraging family that empowers him in his beliefs and identity. James doesn’t like spending time outdoors but values staying engaged and active. He would thrive in a home that is consistent and encouraging.

James was born in 2008.

Para más información, diríjase a SYP-Inquiries@cfcare.org.

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