Jayden is a sweet-hearted boy with a smile that will light up any room. Jayden is a natural conversationalist and loves sharing stories about his life and the passion he has for his varied interests. These interests include football, spooky movies/Halloween, Youtube, and video games. In his spare time, Jayden enjoys playing with his dinosaur and shark toys or engaging in a lively game of tackle football. His considerate and thoughtful nature are evident in the meaningful relationships he creates with those around him. He dreams of visiting an amusement park someday to experience the thrill of riding a rollercoaster. His favorite holiday is Halloween, he loves to dress up, go trick-or-treating, and have a spooky movie marathon. If a buffet is involved, Jayden is all-in, especially if mint chocolate ice cream is on the menu!

More than anything, Jayden desires a family to call his own. His ideal family would be one that enjoys spending quality time together, whether it’s spent exploring the outdoors or staying inside for a movie night. To Jayden, a good family is built on love and trust as those are key values for him. A two-parent household with siblings around Jayden’s age would be preferred. He also has a soft spot for animals, so he would love to live in a home with pets. He has big dreams of joining the Marines when he grows up, and he hopes to find a family that will encourage and support this aspiration.

Jayden was born in 2012, and he is ready to build lasting memories with a loving family who will help him achieve his dreams.

Para más información, diríjase a SYP-Inquiries@cfcare.org.

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