Jose is a curious and bubbly little boy who enjoys exploring his backyard to find rocks, cool little bugs and playing in the mud. He loves being helpful with any task or project and asking intuitive questions to be heard. Jose’s favorite summer activity is to be able to learn cool swimming jumps/tricks and to be able to play outside. 
Jose enjoys school but enjoys math the most as he likes to able to solve the problems presented to him. Jose would like to have pets in any future home especially cats or small dogs. Jose wishes to have a family that is patient, loving, and help him understand the world around him.
Jose would do well in a one or two-parent home as long as there is a strong male figure in the home to help connect with him and build trust with Jose. He would do well with a family that has significantly older children in the home or by being an only child. A family that has structure and can express clear and firm boundaries would be best suited for him.

Jose was born in 2014.

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