Conoce a Joshua

Joshua loves to listen to rap artists like Eminem and pop artists like Imagine Dragons. He loves watching the latest music videos on his computer after school. Joshua is also a big sports fan and enjoys playing basketball and football in his free time. Joshua loves going out to eat when he gets the chance and enjoys spending quality time with those he loves over a nice meal. Some of his favorite restaurants include In-N-Out Burger, Chipotle, and McDonald’s. He also loves a spicy snack and enjoys eating Takis or Hot Cheetos.

Joshua enjoys going to school and does well academically. Though he doesn’t have a favorite subject, he loves lunch because he gets to hang out with friends and enjoy a good meal. Joshua has dreams of being a pro athlete when he grows up and would thrive in a sports-related field. Joshua would really like to get involved in sports at school and hopes to join a team soon.

Joshua would benefit from a one or two-parent home, with or without siblings. He would thrive in a family setting with lots of structure and one-on-one attention. Joshua would like a family that can take him to the park to play football and basketball with him. He would also strongly appreciate a family that can keep him in contact with supports important to him.

Joshua was born in 2009.

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