Meet Kayla, an active and happy girl! Kayla loves to sing and dance. She will dance to any music and especially loves listening in the car. She also likes playing with dolls and likes to color. She loves to be active from running around, cheerleading, you name it – She will love it. Kayla is also a helper! She loves to help others clean up, put things away, and any other small task you might need a little helper for. She is lover as well and will give you a hug whenever she can.

Kayla is very smart. She is starting to learn and use her voice more but she also knows some sign language. She can sign words like all done, help, and yes. She is also a great eater and loves food. Some of her favorite foods are chicken and rice, curry, and spaghetti. Kayla’s favorite time of the day is when she knows she can snack or eat a meal. At daycare, Kayla picks up on what they are teaching her quickly and is making amazing progress. Everyone there knows Kayla and walking around with her is like being with a celebrity where everyone is trying to say hi!

The best family for Kayla is a two-parent home. Kayla thrives on one-on-one attention and would do best as an only child but would do okay in a home with older children. Kayla has medical needs so a family that has a flexible and open schedule that would allow them to meet these needs is preferred. Only homes without animals will be considered as Kayla is afraid of animals and does not know how to interact with them. Families out of state will be considered if their schedule is flexible and open enough to meet Kayla’s medical needs.

Kayla was born in 2020.

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