Manny is a genuine, down-to-earth teen who has a kind heart. He finds joy in simple pleasures like watching movies and swimming with friends. Manny exudes calmness and politeness, eagerly seeking the warmth of a loving family.

Manny has a clever sense of humor and enjoys playing video games while eating Takis, which is his favorite snack. Known for his fun-loving and witty nature, Manny extends kindness to others, though he may initially be reserved. Building connections is important to him, and he appreciates seeing his friends at school.

Manny is in search of a family that understands trauma and can provide a structured routine. He would do best as either the youngest sibling or as the only child in the home. Above all, Manny craves a nurturing environment filled with unconditional love and a commitment to his bright future.

Manny was born in 2007.

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