Apoyo familiar
Todos los padres necesitan apoyo
Every parent deserves a safe, supportive community. If you’re going through a tough time, STRONG Families for Children is here to help. Our certified Host Families offer a loving, temporary home for your children, while you work with a Family Support Specialist and a Volunteer Family Friend to set goals and move forward. If you need help, please contact us here.
¿Es STRONG Families adecuado para usted?
- ¿Tiene dificultades y necesita ayuda?
• Do you need a safe, temporary home for your children?
- ¿Está dispuesto a trabajar para conseguir sus objetivos?
• Are you committed to reuniting with your children as soon as possible?
• Could you benefit from a wise, encouraging and supportive friend?
Qué ofrece STRONG Families:
• A safe, temporary place for your children to stay for up to 30 days.
• Opportunities to stay connected with your children while they are with Host Families.
• Access to resource connections instead of simple referrals.
• Support from a community to help you achieve your goals.
• Continued support after your children returns (not returns) home.

About Our Support
There is no cost to you to use this service, we just ask that you stay active in improving your situation. We want you and your children to be reunited as soon as you are ready and we want you to feel empowered through relationships with supportive and encouraging mentors.
All volunteers pass a background check, go through training, and pass a home safety inspection in order to host children in their homes. Host families must also pass a home inspection.
Es importante saber que STRONG Families NO es una familia de acogida. Mientras sus hijos están con una Familia de Acogida, usted sigue teniendo la custodia completa. Puede pedir que le devuelvan a su hijo en cualquier momento.
Preguntas frecuentes
We understand this can be a challenging time for you as a parent, and it’s normal to feel a mix of emotions—worry, relief, or uncertainty. Many parents have questions about our support, so we’ve gathered some FAQs to provide reassurance and helpful answers.
¿Cuándo puedo obtener ayuda?
In most cases, we will contact you right away during normal business hours, M-F 8:30am-5pm. We cannot provide emergency hosting, but are usually able to schedule your phone intake within 1-2 business days, and can begin hosting as soon as a host home is available. Please start by filling out the form below.
¿Puedo cambiar de opinión?
Of course! STRONG Families is a voluntary program. You do not give up any of your rights or authority. Parents sign a Power of Attorney that gives temporary authority to the Host Family to care for your child(ren) and make decisions on your behalf.
¿Estoy renunciando a mis derechos sobre mi(s) hijo(s)?
No, you are not losing any of your rights or power. You keep full custody of your children at all times. You will sign a Power of Attorney that gives temporary authority to the Host Family to care for your child(ren) and make decisions on your behalf. You are encouraged to participate in decisions regarding their care during the hosting, and the Host Family will always keep you informed about their needs. We are here to support you and walk along side you during a difficult time. However, our staff and volunteers are mandated reporters and must report anything they see or hear that could be a safety concern.
¿Con qué frecuencia puedo hablar o ver a mi(s) hijo(s)?
Daily phone calls or facetime calls are expected unless we are notified otherwise ahead of time. Host Families are volunteers, so we work together to ensure arrangements are convenient for everyone involved.
Tengo varios hijos, ¿se quedarán juntos?
Nuestro objetivo es mantener a los hermanos juntos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de nuestras Familias de Acogida sólo pueden cuidar de 1 a 3 niños a la vez. Si su familia es más numerosa, es probable que tengamos que organizar más de una Familia de Acogida para cubrir la necesidad.
¿Cómo se ocuparán de mi(s) hijo(s)? ¿Escuela, guardería, necesidades médicas, etc.?
Durante la entrevista, hablaremos de las necesidades de su(s) hijo(s), sus rutinas, sus próximas citas, etc., así como del colegio y la guardería. Intentaremos asignarle una familia de acogida que permita a su(s) hijo(s) permanecer en el mismo colegio o guardería. Si no fuera posible, trabajaremos con usted y la familia de acogida para llegar a otros acuerdos.
STRONG Families tiene una estricta política de disciplina que no permite a las Familias de Acogida utilizar ningún tipo de castigo físico ni técnicas de vergüenza. Su(s) hijo(s) no será(n) azotado(s) ni castigado(s) físicamente mientras esté(n) con la Familia de Acogida.
¿Vigilará alguien a mi(s) hijo(s)?
Nuestro personal visitará el hogar de la Familia de Acogida en las 72 horas siguientes al inicio de la acogida y verá y hablará con su(s) hijo(s) durante la visita. El personal también mantiene un contacto regular con la Familia de Acogida durante el acogimiento para garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de su(s) hijo(s).
¿Qué tipo de ayuda puedo esperar?
Nuestro objetivo es caminar a su lado durante un momento difícil y trabajar con usted para satisfacer las necesidades de su familia. Durante la entrevista hablaremos de esas necesidades y propondremos recursos de la comunidad y de Christian Family Care que ayuden a satisfacerlas. Usted fijará los objetivos que desea alcanzar mientras colabora con STRONG Families. También se le proporcionará un Amigo de la Familia, otro voluntario, que puede animarle, escucharle y buscar recursos.
¿Puedo conocer primero a la familia de acogida?
Every effort is made to have our staff, you, and the Host Family meet together for the exchange of the child(ren). Depending on the timing of the hosting, we may be able to arrange an introductory meeting in advance of the hosting.
Why are Families willing to help?
Our Hosts and Family Friends are called to love and serve other families. They believe that everyone deserves to have community and they want to be a part of your life and support your child(ren) during this time.
STRONG Families is not foster care and we do not arrange adoptions. Christian Family Care does have these programs, but they are separate from STRONG Families. Our staff can discuss these options with you if you feel you may need one of those services.
¿Cómo es una familia de acogida típica?
Our Host Families live all over the valley and they have willing hearts to open their home and lives to you and your child(ren). Host Families may be married or single, have children of their own or no children. STRONG Families does require all our Host Families and Family Friends to be of Christian faith.
Are STRONG Families volunteers licensed foster families?
No, STRONG Families Volunteers are not licensed foster families. Some of them have been licensed previously and waiting to be matched with an adoptive placement. They understand that STRONG Families is voluntary, temporary care and will never ask you about adoption. Host Families do go through a similar process as licensed foster families in preparation to host, including training, background checks, home safety checks, and interviews.
Póngase en contacto con nosotros
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out! You can call us at (602) 396-2720, email us at myfamilyneedshelp@cfcare.org, or simply fill out our contact form below. Our team is here to help and happy to answer any questions!