Family Coaching Referrals

We designed our virtual Family Coaching services to support parents and caregivers through the most common challenges of parenting children and teens, involving both the adult and child/teen in the treatment process. 

Behavioral health professionals, case managers, and certain agencies can refer families to our Family Coaching services as part of their service plans. 

What Is Family Coaching?

Check out the video below to learn more about our family coaching and explore our current referral openings!

The current available referral openings

Our Coaches

CFC’s Family Coaches are trained, experienced professionals who share important information and skills that…

Are easy to understand

Apply to everyday life

Are based on TBRI–Trust-Based Relational Intervention

Improve the child-raising experience for the entire family

¿Cómo podemos ayudarle?

The Family Coaching program gives parents, caregivers, and families the skills they need to confront the challenges and difficulties of caring for children and teens, such as:

  • Dificultades de comportamiento del niño (rabietas, falta de respeto, mentiras, desobediencia, ansiedad, etc.)
  • Retos del desarrollo (horarios de sueño de bebés y recién nacidos, equilibrio entre estructura y confianza con los adolescentes, etc.)
  • Peleas entre hermanos
  • Duelo y pérdida familiares
  • Crianza de niños traumatizados
  • Ser padres de niños adoptados
  • Attachment issues
  • Retos de la familia ensamblada
  • Family communication issues
  • Equilibrio entre una crianza afectuosa y una crianza estructurada
  • Agotamiento del cuidador
  • Desarrollo de habilidades generales de crianza

Refer A Family

If you know a family who would benefit from Family Coaching, please list the Family Support code (S5110) in their service plan and send the documentation for a DSP referral to

Necessary documentation includes:

  • Current Annual 
  • Current Service Plan
  • SNCD
  • Calocus
  • Crisis Plan
  • Safety Plan

*If you have any questions, please reach out to Will Savoy at

Haz un regalo que cambie tu vida

Ayudar a un niño maltratado o abandonado a recibir amor y cuidados en una familia centrada en Cristo.

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