
Gabriel, who goes by Gabe, is an energetic and humorous young man! His favorite pastimes include playing video games (Minecraft), cars, and working with his hands. He also enjoys playing with his Legos, and Pokémon cards.
Gabriel thrives when he can show off his imagination. He loves to find creative solutions to problems and uses those skills when he is building Legos, working on cars, or wants to play a game. When Gabriel feels safe and secure, he has a great sense of humor and loves interacting with others.
You can find Gabriel at any American-style restaurant chowing down on some burgers (his favorite food). At school, Gabriel says he enjoys learning new things in science, like who was the first man to land on the moon.
One day, Gabriel hopes to work outside doing manual labor like a mechanic or on a farm.
Gabriel would benefit from being in a one or two-parent home. Gabriel has a strong desire for family and cares deeply about relationships. Family and friendship mean a lot to Gabriel. The family for Gabriel would have experience parenting children in care and provide structure and patience with him as he grows up.

Gabriel was born in 2007.

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