Welcome to Christian Family Care’s Foster and Adoptive Family Support Group
Christian Family Care’s support group exists to connect foster and adoptive parents through relevant training topics followed by a time to connect through conversation. The meeting time will consist of 45-60 minutes of training and the rest of the time will be used to connect with one another and walk alongside each other in your journey as foster and adoptive parents.
Training Description: (previous session)
Suicide rates in children and adolescents have been increasing. We know the children in our care are at a higher risk of suicide and suicidal behavior due to their trauma histories and mental health concerns. Caring for these precious children can be daunting, especially with the frightening statistics plastered all over the news and social media. Thankfully, parents can be prepared to have the hard conversations and seek out resources when necessary. Join us to learn the warning signs of suicidal thoughts or behaviors in your children, how to talk to your kids about these signs, and what to do to help them.
Trainer Bio:
Jennie Dalcour, MA, LPC has been a child and family therapist with Christian Family Care since 2014. Her specialty is counseling traumatized children in therapeutic foster care and children adopted from foster care. She enjoys being a part of children’s healing experiences and guiding families through life’s difficult seasons. She has also enjoyed teaching therapeutic foster care trainings and other classes for families parenting children from hard places
Registration Currently Closed
Virtual Event – April 2021
(exact date tbd)
6:00pm – 7:30pm
If you have any questions, please contact Scott Hord via e-mail, shord@cfcare.org.