Share HIS Love! May is Foster Care Awareness Month!

There are nearly 14,000 children in the Arizona foster care system, but there are only about 4,500 licensed foster families. Many of these foster children do not know who Jesus is and the love He has for them. There’s a great need for Christians to consider the ministry of fostering. If you feel called to this ministry or care to learn more, attend one of our free virtual information sessions to learn about all the ways you can help at-risk children in your community.

Begin Your Journey Today!

To learn more about foster care with Christian Family Care fill out the form below.


Foster Parent Requirements

To become a licensed foster family in the state of Arizona, you: 

  • Must be 21 or older, with good references and a physician’s statement verifying your emotional and physical health. 
  • Need enough living space for a foster child (including a separate bed) and enough income to support your own family’s needs. 
  • Pass a background check 

In addition, at Christian Family Care, we partner with married or single individuals who agree to our statement of faith and are actively involved in the Christian community. 

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Foster License? 

While there’s no financial cost to receive your foster family license, a considerable investment of time is required. The process usually takes about three to five months and includes training, a home study by Christian Family Care, and a home inspection by the Arizona Office of Licensing and Regulation. We’ll walk alongside you in each stage of the journey and assist you in keeping your license compliant with the state. 

Is Financial Compensation Provided? 

When a child is placed in your home, the state provides you with a monthly subsidy and an annual stipend to cover room, board, clothing, and other necessities. Medical, dental, prescription and mental health expenses are also covered by the state. Working parents may be eligible to receive childcare assistance from the Arizona Department of Economic Security. 

Social Media Posts

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Hear the Storey Family’s Story!

Meet the Storey family who shares their foster care and adoption story. Christian Family Care trains and equips families to do foster care and adoption in Phoenix, Arizona.


The Shelbourn’s Foster Care Story 

A foster care store about the Shelbourn family

The Shelbourns share with us how they’re changing lives through foster care.


Arizona Foster Care Stats Video

Arizona Foster Care Stats Video

This 60-second video is a great introduction to some of the key statistics currently in the Arizona Foster Care System.


How the Louchheims got involved.

How the Louchheims got involved in foster care.

In this clip The Louchheims share what stirred their heart to become foster parents, then adoptive parents, and then volunteers.


Make a Life-Changing Gift

Help an abused or neglected child receive love and nurture in a Christ-centered family.

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