Thank you for joining us in spreading the light of Christ’s love to hurting children in our communities. Your gift will make a great impact for the children and families we serve.
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Christmas time! For each of us, this season brings out different emotions. For some it is joyful and for others there is sadness. In your childhood which emotion do you relate to most? For me, Christmas was a season of joy. As a child, I remember going to the park all lit up with Christmas lights, hanging lights and tinsel on a tree, music, a Christmas Eve service, and presents on Christmas morning. Today, it is a Christmas Eve meal, silly games, and my grandchildren leading the family in joyful worship, remembering the gift of our Lord Jesus.
Unfortunately, for most of the kids and families we serve at Christian Family Care, the Christmas season is one of sadness. Their lives are full of anxiety and adversity. There are no lights or Christmas trees. No singing or even hope of a Savior.
Let your light shine!
“You are the light,” says Paul in the book of Ephesians. Together we are lighting our communities with the love of Jesus Christ. Many kids and families are experiencing trauma and abuse. They are living in a world full of darkness we can’t imagine.
As believers, we know the true light, the hope for every person is Jesus Christ. Jesus says, whoever trusts in him will never walk in darkness. This Christmas, remember that your partnership with Christian Family Care helps vulnerable children exit darkness and see the hope and beauty of the light of Jesus’ love.
When you give to Christian Family Care, you are shining the light of Christ’s love that helps strengthen a family and serve vulnerable children. Every dollar given to CFC helps build a relationship where the light of Jesus’ love, his healing touch, and hope for a better future shines forth, preserving families and restoring others.
Thank you for joining us in spreading the light of Christ’s love
to hurting children in our communities.
Merry Christmas,

Mark Upton
P.S. Because of your generosity this year, we served 949 children. 437 foster children found refuge in Christ-centered families, 128 children found their forever families through adoption, and 35 children started healing in our new early childhood learning center.