Being Thankful
With the Thanksgiving season upon us, we rejoice and give thanks to God for all he has done for us this year!
Because of your partnership with Christian Family Care, together we were able to serve 2,514 at-risk children and families in need. This Thanksgiving, we would like to share with you multiple examples of how you’ve helped change lives forever. With the Thanksgiving season upon us, we rejoice and give thanks to God for all he has done through us this year! “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18”
With our focus on prevention and restoration, this Thanksgiving, we want to share with you multiple examples of how God has unexpectedly changed lives forever.
“We have a sweet teenage girl who came to our home last year that was supposed to be with us for only one week. But, God knew she needed to be with us longer as our foster child. This past year has been miraculous, as we have seen first-hand God’s work in this young lady’s life. She has accepted Jesus as her Savior and even had the honor of baptizing her at our church! Today, she’s serving in our church’s connect center and on the media team, and loves going to youth group every week. We can see it’s starting to feel like home to her. Now, one of our great friends, another Christian family, is hoping to adopt her. With CFC’s help, her life has been restored and she now has a forever home in heaven as well as on this earth.”
“The birth parents made the incredibly difficult decision to place their baby for adoption. At first, she wanted a closed adoption but has since changed her mind and is currently talking with the adoptive family about having an open relationship. Her baby is almost one month old and she has been working with her CFC pregnancy counselor to obtain her GED. She has currently taken all of her practice tests and feels ready to pass the real tests to obtain her GED. This is all with the help from CFC and their loving team!”
“We have a single mom who utilized Safe Families for multiple hostings. Last year, she applied to win a new home with another non-profit. She wrote a letter explaining how this would make a difference for her and her two children, and she ended up winning! Her supporting host family hosted the children while she moved in and even helped her move. She was committed to bettering the lives of her children. With the support of Safe Families and our CFC volunteers, her family has been preserved. She is able to live independently in a new home and make a fresh start with her children.”
“Our Starfish Mentor Sam was matched with one of our Starfish clients, Marcus. Marcus experienced being displaced from his living arrangement and reached out to Sam for help. Sam shared that he was glad to know, when Marcus needed support, he thought of him. Sam said, ‘When he was in need, he called me for support. It felt good to know he thought of me in his time of need.’ Marcus might not have had anyone to call if not for the Mentor program at CFC and the consistent presence of volunteers like Sam.”
“Romeo was in the SYP program for nearly three years, before being recently placed with a Christian family. He has been attending his (soon to be) Grandfather’s church. Justin, Romeo’s Youth Advocate reports that he is thriving, enjoying going to school, and his behaviors have improved. Romeo’s past behaviors are less in this home than in others. Romeo is now just a “normal kid” doing “normal kid” things in his forever family.”
“We have a mentor who has been matched for two years with a mentee, and just recently their mentee was officially adopted. The mentor was invited to the adoption officialization and will continue offering support in their life as needed. This shows how a mentor can be a source of consistency with a low-demand commitment—from a child’s time in the system and beyond.”
“We were really looking for a school that specialized in trauma and could help kiddos that have gone through trauma like our son. Coming here just gave us hope. We were able to continue our jobs but our son is loved and it just really gave us that hope and encouragement that we can all work together and he can succeed. I think God put this school and these people in our lives right at the right time and it really shows if we work together as a team we can help the children we love and get them what they need.”
This Thanksgiving, we want to say thank you as we are grateful for you and all you have done in helping us change communities. Through your financial giving, volunteering, and prayer, you have helped lift up children and families to know God’s love. As you might imagine, the need continues to be great for all that CFC serves. Would you please consider helping us to continue our mission of strengthening families and serving at-risk children in the name of Jesus Christ?