Thank you so much for taking the time to view our page!
First thing’s first: We want to acknowledge all the love, encouragement, and prayers that we have already received from so many people! We would not have made it this far on our journey without you!
We have always known that we wanted children but we wanted to wait a few years. After job changes, degrees, and a cross country move, we thought it was finally time to “just see what happens”. Funny thing. Nothing happened. It took a few more years before we were both ready to admit there was a problem.
At the end of 2018, we made plans to devote the new year to finding a solution. Little did we know, it wouldn’t be the easy fix we were hoping for. 2019 brought us more heartache than we expected but it helped us solidify our decision to pursue domestic adoption. We’ve experienced so much this past year from frustration and confusion, to disappointment, optimism, devastation, and now hope.
Through it all, we are trusting that we will continue to see God’s faithfulness and goodness and we wait and hope with great expectation (Psalm 27:13-14).
Part of the hopelessness that we felt when considering adoption came from the expense. Looking at the numbers alone made it seem impossible for us. After talking with friends and family, we were encouraged to share and humbly invite you to be a part of this life-changing endeavor.
Our adoption agency, Christian Family Care, is a qualifying 501(c) (3) organization that provides adoption services and foster care programs here in Arizona. This may allow adopt fund donations to be counted as charitable giving on your federal taxes.
For those living in Arizona, you can contribute up to $500 (single person) or $1000 (couples filing together), and may be able to receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona State tax return through the Arizona Foster Tax Credit.
For those living outside of Arizona, you are may be able to put your donation towards a tax deduction on your federal taxes as a charitable gift or itemized deduction. You should consult your tax professional about your eligibility for the deductions and credits.