STRONG Families for Children

What is STRONG Families

Crisis Prevención

STRONG Families is a preventative ministry of CFC whose goal is to help families in crisis by certifying compassionate and safe volunteers who will provide temporary hosting for children between the ages of 0-17, provide mentorship to parents, and provide resource connections when necessary and beneficial.

Outrageous Hospitality

The goal of STRONG Families is to exercise outrageous hospitality to impact the lives of those who are experiencing the impact of relational poverty and facing temporary setbacks that can only be resolved through strong, healthy and safe relational intervention.

Explore our STRONG Families program through these videos

How can STRONG Families help? 

We all face crises, and asking for help is essential. Without support, minor issues can become major catastrophes. STRONG Families is here to ensure no family faces challenges alone.

Whether it’s job loss, medical emergencies, mental health issues, homelessness, substance abuse, or a need for respite, we’re here to help you overcome the crisis and move forward in a stronger, more positive direction.

The Smith Family Story

The Smith Family Shares their experience as a Host Home for STRONG Families of Christian Family Care.

STRONG Families helps prevent children from entering foster care for non-safety issues by providing short-term care through Host Families.

How STRONG Families Makes a Difference

STRONG Families supports families in crisis through these impactful approaches, and we invite you to join us in making a difference.

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Conviértase en familia de acogida

Providing a safe, nurturing environment with short-term care (up to 30 days) for children ages 0-17 in certified, volunteer host family homes.

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Hazte amigo de la familia

Building supportive relationships by pairing birth families with certified volunteer mentors, known as Family Friends, for guidance and emotional support.

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Resources for Families

Equipping families with essential resources, including Christian Family Care programs and other community support services, to ensure lasting change.

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Póngase en contacto con nosotros

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to provide the support and hospitality you need.

If you are interested in becoming a STRONG Family Volunteer…

If you are a family in crisis and need support…

Haz un regalo que cambie tu vida

Ayudar a un niño maltratado o abandonado a recibir amor y cuidados en una familia centrada en Cristo.

Seleccione el importe de su donación

Mantente conectado

Recibe lo último de Christian Family Care para ver vidas jóvenes transformadas.