Más información sobre Ryan y Rebecca aquí.
Queridos amigos y familiares,
We are excited to be on this journey and see what the Lord has in store for our family. We would love to have you partner with us in this journey either in prayer or with a financial gift. Our adoption agency, Christian Family Care, is a qualifying 501(c) (3) organization that provides adoption services and foster care programs here in Arizona. This may allow adopt fund donations to be counted as charitable giving on your federal taxes.
For those living in Arizona, during tax year 2024, you may contribute up to $587 (single person) or $1,173 (married filing jointly). You may also receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona tax return through the Arizona Foster Tax Credit since Christian Family Care is a Qualified Foster Care Organization (10024).
Las personas que viven fuera de Arizona pueden deducir su donación de los impuestos federales como donación benéfica o deducción detallada. Consulte a su asesor fiscal para saber si tiene derecho a deducciones y créditos.