STRONG Families Volunteer Application
Welcome to the STRONG Families program at Christian Family Care (CFC)! We hope your volunteer role will bless you and the families you serve. Below are the required forms to complete for certification as a Family Friend or Host Family volunteer, along with additional and optional forms for Host Families.
If you have questions, you can call us at (602) 396-2720, or email us at empowerment@cfcare.org.
Consejos técnicos:
- Save each form to your computer, print, sign, and scan or photograph it, then email to empowerment@cfcare.org. All documents are required unless noted.
- MAC USERS: Avoid using Preview to edit. Use Adobe Reader or another Adobe program. Save the form first, then complete it.
Host Family or Family Friend Applicants
1. Complete before or after Orientation
Solicitud de voluntariado
Please complete this application: Solicitud de voluntariado
Declaración de fe del CFC
Please read the Christian Family Care Statement of Faith and sign indicating your agreement: Declaración de fe
Manual del voluntario
Manual del voluntario del CFC (guárdelo para su consulta) contiene gran cantidad de información útil, incluidas las políticas y directrices de voluntariado. Tómese un tiempo para revisar el manual y luego firme este formulario: Aceptación del Manual del voluntario del CFC
CFC Volunteer Release and Waiver of Liability Form
Please carefully review, sign, and date this form: CFC – Volunteer Release and Waiver of Liability Form
CFC Policies
These are reviewed during Orientation. Please read the full policy and sign the last page acknowledging your understanding of each.
Host Families: Any adult in the home that may provide care for the children should also read and sign these policies. 1.14 SALUD BIENESTAR SEGURO, 2,09 MALTRATO AL CLIENTE, 3.11 CONFIDENCIALIDAD, 3.12 DEBER DE ADVERTENCIA_PROTECCIÓN, 3.15 GESTIÓN DEL COMPORTAMIENTO
Tarjeta de autorización de huellas dactilares
If you do not have a Level 1 Fingerprint Clearance Card, please read this form; Cómo obtener una tarjeta de autorización de huellas dactilares y pulse aquí to start the process to obtain your Fingerprint Clearance Card.
STRONG Families will reimburse the $67 application fee and $8 printing fee for Host Parents and Family Friends upon certification. Host Families: Every adult in the home must obtain a Level 1 Fingerprint Clearance Card. Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse for other adult household members.
2. Complete before or after Orientation
Autorrevelación de antecedentes penales
Rellene este formulario y fírmelo ante notario. Cada casilla debe ser marcada, líneas a través de todos ellos no serán aceptadas. STRONG Families dispone de notarios en la oficina para su comodidad. Familias de acogida: Cualquier adulto en el hogar también debe completar este formulario. Autorrevelación de antecedentes penales
DES Background Check
A DES Background check is required for each volunteer and for any adult who lives in the volunteer’s home and is 18 and older.
Please follow the directions given in link 1 y link 2. You must submit the information to sfbackground@cfcare.org and the results will then be delivered to the STRONG Families Supervisor.
3. Complete after Family Friend or Host Family Training
Auto divulgación sanitaria
Este formulario nos ayuda a conocer cualquier posible preocupación sobre la supervisión o el transporte de las Familias de Acogida. Familias de acogida: Cualquier adulto que se encuentre en el hogar debe cumplimentar también este formulario. Auto divulgación sanitaria
Prueba de seguro de automóvil
Sírvase proporcionar copias de la prueba del seguro vigente de cualquier vehículo en el que pueda transportar a una Familia de Acogida.
RCP/Primeros auxilios
Por favor, envíe una copia de su formación actual en RCP/Primeros Auxilios. Si necesita una clase, póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener información sobre nuestras próximas clases o visite www.fostercpr.com to find a class. Use promo code “Foster” for a $10 discount per person.
STRONG Families will reimburse up to the discounted cost (currently $38.73) for Host Family parents upon Host Family Certification.
Driver’s License
Please provide a clear copy or photograph of the driver’s license for any adult in your home that may transport Placing Families. Please note: Drivers under 18 may not transport Placing Families.
4. Host Families: Complete these additional documents after Host Family Training
Plan de evacuación de emergencia
Emergency Evacuation Plan An evaluation plan must be displayed in a conspicuous location within your home. Plan de evacuación de emergencia
Acuerdo de seguridad
Por favor, revise y firme indicando que está de acuerdo. Todos los adultos del hogar deben revisarlo y firmarlo. Acuerdo de seguridad
Acuerdo disciplinario
Por favor, revise y firme indicando que está de acuerdo. Todos los adultos del hogar deben revisarlo y firmarlo. Acuerdo disciplinario
Registro de vehículos de motor
Por favor, proporcione un registro MVD para cada adulto que pueda transportar a una Familia de Acogida. (El coste será de $3.00/39 meses)
- Para obtener un informe MVR, vaya a https://servicearizona.com/Inicie sesión en su cuenta del DMV o cree una si aún no la tiene.
- Once logged in, select “Other Services” and click on “Motor Vehicle Record” and follow the prompts to obtain your Motor Vehicle Record (39-Month Uncertified record).
- O Visite una oficina de MVD en persona para solicitar una copia física.
5. Certified Adoptive Families or licensed Foster Families with CFC
Certified Adoptive Family
If you are a certified Adoptive Family with CFC, please fill out this form: Intercambio mutuo de información - Adopción
Licensed Foster Family
If you are a licensed Foster Family with CFC, please fill out this form: Intercambio mutuo de información - Acogimiento familiar
- All volunteers must attend an Orientation that can be scheduled individually or as a group, in person or virtually.
- All volunteers must complete the Mandated Reporter Training online here: https://www.d2l.org/education/additional-training/mandated-reporter/ and send verification of completion to the STRONG Families Supervisor.
- Volunteers must also attend role-specific training: Host Family or Family Friend Training. The STRONG Families Supervisor will provide the next class date.
*If you have questions, you can call us at (602) 396-2720, or email us at empowerment@cfcare.org.