Let’s Help Every Child to be Loved
Our story is still being written. The future of every child today and for generations to come depends on the action we take today. We can choose to keep faith and family in decline, or we can choose to act now.
WeeCare Preschool and Family Center
WeeCare’s program is designed by tenured preschool director Alene Bell in collaboration with CFC’s team of professional trauma counselors. WeeCare goes beyond the typical preschool and extends care and training to the parent to strengthen the family unit.
To maintain this Christian distinctiveness, WeeCare will need to be privately funded and free of government contracts. Christian Family Care is seeking $800,000 to open the first two schools.
Parent University
The trainings are designed to provide both a biblical and clinical perspective on addressing adverse childhood experiences and will strengthen the ability of foster and adoptive parents across Arizona to meet the needs of the children in their care.
Christian Family Care is seeking $250,000 to launch 20 classes online in the next three years.
Facilities and Hispanic Community Expansion
Having purchased, renovated, and furnished our new facilities at a cost of $6,400,00 we have an outstanding loan of $3.9 million. Paying off this debt will release approximately $260,000 per year in resources to catapult growth and ensure continued services to at-risk children and families.
In addition, we are expanding community impact for every child by intentionally launching a focused ministry to serve the growing Hispanic community in Arizona.