Committed to Your Family’s Success
Foster and Adoption Family Support Group
To ensure you, your family, and your foster child thrive, we provide extensive support that far exceeds the requirements of Arizona’s Department of Child Safety. Christian Family Care’s support group exists to connect foster and adoptive parents through relevant training topics followed by a time to connect through conversation.
Most of our support group sessions are in-person and childcare is provided, however, we also offer a handful of virtual meetings throughout the year. Virtual meetings consist of 45-60 minutes of training and the rest of the time will be used to connect with one another and walk alongside each other in your journey as foster and adoptive parents.
Upcoming Virtual Support Group Training Meetings
Join a Support Group Near You!
Central Arizona
- TIME: 2nd Thursday of every other month from 6:00-7:30 PM
- LOCATION: Christian Family Care Office – 2346 N Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004
- CONTACT: Kelly Lewis, klewis@cfcare.org, (602) 769-6126
- INCLUDED: Childcare available. Snacks and beverages will be provided. RSVP HERE.
East Valley
- TIME: 3rd Thursday of every other month from 6:00-7:30 PM
- LOCATION: Compassion Church – 919 E Guadalupe Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85234
- CONTACT: Kelly Lewis, klewis@cfcare.org, (602) 769-6126
- INCLUDED: Childcare available. Snacks and beverages will be provided. RSVP HERE.
You’re Never Alone
- A Christian Family Care Family Specialist will regularly visit your home to provide support.
- You’ll be invited to participate in our foster and adoptive family support group where you can learn from other families, CFC experts, and find community.
- Eligible working parents may receive childcare assistance from the *ADES.
- There’s also a respite program to provide your foster child with short-term care, so that you have time to run errands, rest, or take care of other personal needs.
*Arizona Department of Economic Security

After a child is placed in your home the state will pay you a monthly reimbursement to cover the cost of room, board, clothing, and supplies for the child. Rates are based on the age of the child and the extent of the care required. Arizona will also pay for the child’s medical, dental, prescription drug, and therapy expenses.
A Team of Professionals Dedicated to You
You will have access to our professional counseling and Christ-centered support services. We’re here to encourage you, to pray with you, and to respond to unexpected challenges or emergencies. By providing professional support services at no cost, we’re giving every family the tools they need to succeed. When a family is successful, then every child will have the best chance to experience a stable, Christ-centered home.
If you have questions about partnering with Christian Family Care to foster children, email Julie Mohline at JMohline@CFCare.org.
If you are a foster parent in need of immediate assistance, please reach out to your assigned Foster Care Family Specialist or their supervisor by calling (800) 939-5432. If you need help during non-business hours, please call (602) 930-5127.
John Family Inspiring Story
John was defiant and disruptive at school. He would curse and storm out of class. But his foster parents, Kelley and John Sr., could see through the anger. They knew his heart was hurting. “We had no doubt that God had a reason for us to parent John and with each day that passed,” Kelley said.

DCS’ Thrive Newsletter for Foster and Adoptive Parents!
The Arizona Thrive Newsletter is published monthly by the Department of Child Safety to help foster and adoptive families across the state. Click the button below to read the latest Thrive Newsletter!