Stories of Impact
Stories of Impact
Strong families can make all the difference for children. That’s why Christian Family Care is committed to strengthening families and serving at-risk children in the name of Jesus Christ. Read through the stories below to hear how God is moving through the lives of those that we serve.

Family Care KIDS Preschool Impact
Our families share how impactful Family Care KIDS has been on their children and what a blessing it is to have a Christ-centered, trauma-informed school in their backyard!

A Foster Mom’s Love Makes a Lasting Impact
Aaliyah was 11 years old when she was placed into Patricia’s foster home. At the time, she never could have foreseen the impact Patricia would have on her life. With your help, more at-risk foster kids will see what it’s like to grow up with a loving foster mother like Patricia.

Why Mary chose to place her baby with an adoptive family through Christian Family Care – Part one
The story of one woman who found Christian Family Care after becoming pregnant at 17 years old and why she chose to place her baby with an adoptive family. “I sat in a lot of support groups and I would hear from women who had placed their child for adoption and I was so grateful for those women who could tell their stories because it gave me hope…”

How Christian Family Care helped an expectant mom in a time of need – Part two
“I’ve changed my mind again, please help me…” Mary’s story continues with part two here.

Why one family chose Family Care KIDS!
Meet the McLaughlin family who has just enrolled their son into our Family Care KIDS early childhood learning center. At Family Care KIDS, we are more than a preschool. Our staff is trauma-informed, so they can reach every child right where they are and show them exactly who God created them to be!
Watch their testimonial here!

An Inspiring Story: When Biological Mother Meets Adoptive Mother
This is the beautiful story of two mothers. One is the biological mother and the other is the adoptive mother. They share how their open adoption story not only blessed their children but also each other. In deeply loving their children, they found common ground and got to know each other, and extended grace to each other because that’s what God does for us.

A Foster Mom’s Story
Melisha decided to become a licensed foster parent during the height of the pandemic because she saw a need to keep four siblings together and not be torn apart by the foster care system.

Thankful for God’s Promises
“It’s okay to be sad, but you have to remember to also be thankful.” Wise words from a newly adopted ten-year-old girl, Jessica. She and her younger sister will be spending their first Thanksgiving as official members of the Watson household after being adopted from foster care in June.

Virtual Adoption Blesses Family and Friends
Declan and Kyrito were in the foster care system for 694 days before officially joining the Shipman family. Though Victoria and Jared Shipman had never anticipated a virtual adoption finalization, it was a blessing in disguise!
Miracles Amid a Pandemic
Be encouraged that even in the midst of a global pandemic, economic shutdown, and civil unrest, miraculous things are still happening all around us! A teenage boy finally understands what it feels like to trust again, to have hope in a future, and receive unconditional love.

Pain and Purpose in Foster Care Reunification
Ken and Katie said “yes” to God’s call to foster despite having their hands full with two toddlers. Their story is one of God’s faithfulness. Katie writes about how despite the heartache and loss of reunification, God completely redeemed every broken thing in their whole experience.
Breaking the Cycle
Erik and Angela found themselves in a tough situation after moving back to Phoenix. They packed up their kids and left Arizona to get away from their families who struggled with substance abuse.
Good Morning Arizona – Back to School Transitions
Christian Family Care’s child and family therapist, Brandon Jones, talks about how to ease the transition from summer to back to school. He gives practical ways you can help ease the fears and anxieties your child might face at the beginning of a new school year.
“Life Changers: St. James” Adoption
God shaped the hearts of the James family to care for the vulnerable children in their own Hear how they partner with Christian Family Care to extend their ministry beyond just the children in their
Good Morning Arizona- Attachment and Permanency
Christian Family Care’s child and family therapist, Brandon Jones, talks about Arizona Senate Bill 1473. This bill essentially limits the amount of time a child spends in DCS custody and helps fast-track permanency and adoption. Brandon …
Restoring Hearts
Seven-teen-year-old Isabelle will be heading back to high school with a new perspective and a restored heart after spending the last five months in a Christian Family Care foster home. That’s where she learned about grace, forgiveness, and the un…
Foster Adoption Story: Amirah
Watch Amirah’s beautiful story to see how her new family proposed to her.
Open Adoption Story: The Bishops
Watch the Bishop’s moving story to see how God transformed their lives through open adoption.
Pregnancy Counseling: A Birth-Mother’s Testimony
“I was so scared and lost and didn’t know what to do.” A birth-mother talks about her crisis pregnancy, and how she chose life and placed her daughter for adoption.
There’s No “Perfect” Time
Ben and I could never have imagined how God would give us the desires of both of our hearts.
What’s in a Name?
For children in foster care, it could be their only lasting connection to their biological It could also be a painful reminder of a past they’d like to move on That was the case for 19-year-old John, who no longer thought of his birth …